Saturday, January 2, 2010

Saturday January 2nd, 2010

Dried flower heads against snow, Smithville, Missouri, USA

A bleak and cold day with temperatures well below freezing. Sullen, grey clouds turning the landscape monochrome, the frozen snow brilliant white against a steely sky.
Today's photo of dried flower heads reminded me of snowflakes. I've always loved black and white photography and using monochrome today seemed a good representation of the way the day felt.

F/11, 1/2500, ISO 1600, 210mm


  1. Nice photo

    This is weird - I'd toyed with the idea of starting a photo a day blog for 2010! I'm never going to be able to take a photo a day though. Good luck to you with your endeavours!

  2. Katherine - I think its going to demand some discipline at least to start with.

  3. me too

    and you've made me get on and start one :>)

    lovely photos

  4. This pic would be a great front to a halmark card :) congrats on your new blog!

  5. Vivien - Popular idea! Looking forward to seeing your photos.

    Terri - Thank you!
