Monday, January 4, 2010

Monday January 4th, 2010

Smithville, Missouri, USA

I love the sound of footsteps crunching through freshly fallen snow, like the sound of a bite into a crisp apple, leaving a shadowy trail across a virgin landscape. The powdery snow puffed into the air and sparkles with each step. The sun was shining brightly today from a pale blue sky, reflections off the snow were blinding, the air bitterly cold.

f/16, 1/3200, ISO-1600, 22mm


  1. Wow. Fantastic photos and words. It is poetry.

  2. If I didn't know how bitterlry cold it is, I would wish I was home. lol Thanks for showing me how beautiful my home is.

  3. Very pretty Anita! You definitely captured the cold feel.

  4. Terri - thank you!

    Laurel - Thank you for commenting.

    Karen - Thank you for lending us your home! Hope Florida is as beautiful as Missouri in the snow! X

    Stacy - It is incredibly cold but so beautiful! Being in the snow is so much more bearable when you don't have to go anywhere or do anything.

  5. Beautiful, gorgeous winter colours!

  6. Martin - I love the starkness and colours of a winter landscape. Somehow the sky seems much bluer in winter than in the summer.
